Caramels vegan choco / Choco vegan fudges
Caramels vegan, sans lait, ni beurre ni crème d'origine animale et pourtant délicieusement fondants grâce au lait de coco. Nos caramels ne contiennent pas de sucre raffiné car nous utilisons du sucre de coco, à l'indice glycémique plus faible. Une recette clean et sans ingrédients superflus, une texture fondante pour un maximum de plaisir et de goût.
Vegan fudge, without milk, butter or cream of animal origin and yet deliciously melting thanks to coconut milk. Our caramels do not contain refined sugar because we use coconut sugar, which has a lower glycemic index. A clean recipe without superfluous ingredients, a melting texture for maximum pleasure and taste.
Vegan fudge, without milk, butter or cream of animal origin and yet deliciously melting thanks to coconut milk. Our caramels do not contain refined sugar because we use coconut sugar, which has a lower glycemic index. A clean recipe without superfluous ingredients, a melting texture for maximum pleasure and taste.